Saturday, January 30, 2010

Group Final Idea

After thinking it through and getting feedback from both our teacher and our class, we made a final decision for our opening sequence. It will include;
- The build up and act of rape at night time
- A young woman, around the age of 18, getting raped in her own flat
- The girl is very average - enjoys going out with her friends to get drunk but isn't 'off the rails', just naive and unlucky
- One night she is followed home from a night out and shoved through her door - with the raping insinuated
- The girl will be telling the story in a police interview - we will include flashbacks of what happened that night which is an abstract, unique technique not often seen in films
- The man will be very dominant in the rape, showing a physical advantage in an aggressive, angry manner as opposed to sexual or passionate

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