Monday, March 29, 2010

Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our product targets two social groups in particular – age and gender.

Our main target would be women – our film is based on a female perspective and has a very female storyline. In a way the film goes against typical conventions of films aimed at women – it is filmed and edited in a very gritty style which isn’t necessarily what a female audience it looking for and is about a non idealistic topic - rape. However, the main protagonist driving our story along is a woman and the character is very relatable s as she is just an average girl like our audience who gets caught up in this horrible scenario. The naivety of the character may worry the audience and the film tackles a very real, serious problem of rape and its’ effects.

Young adults 
In terms of age, our product could appeal to a wide range. As the main character is young, an audience of viewers around a similar age group would find the film appealing and relatable – making this our primary target audience. The girl is similar to some characters already on the radar for young adults in popular culture for example the character in teenage drama skins – Effy Stonem. 

The characters are similar in their ‘party-girl’ lifestyle and the clothes our main character wears, and her social life – which would be shown in flashbacks throughout the film – is very similar to that of the popular teen character. However, our film could also be appealing to a secondary, older generation that enjoy psychological crime thrillers such as ‘Seven’. As our film requires deep thought in trying to work out who the rapist is and what will happen next, this more mature audience will find this factor satisfying, despite the younger cast.

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